Growing Uncommon Musicians.
Programs for everyone, from beginners to young professionals. 2024-2025 Calendar
Saturday Conservatory is a musician development program that focuses on growing talent in a group setting. We are committed to developing the country's best string players.
We offer three different group programs based off of experience and playing ability. These youth orchestra classes do not exist anywhere else in Brevard, and we are committed to providing quality education for all students.
Developing strong fundamental technique is paramount for creating success on a string instrument. Foundations is for students in the developmental stages for tone production, shifting, and vibrato. Younger students in this class have typically had at least a year of private lessons prior to entry. This class has a minimum practice commitment of 30 minutes per day. Samples of student work.
Designed for advancing string players who still have some technical issues to correct. They are capable of learning difficult music but not without help from an instructor. These students are typically in Suzuki books 4-6. This class has a minimum practice commitment of 60 minutes per day. Students will audition by submitting a video of a solo and a scale. Samples of student work.
This orchestra is competing this year for the title of best orchestra in the country. The focus of the program this year specifically is to put together a program that we believe can win a national competition. The ASTA national orchestra festival will take place in Atlanta on March 18nd-22nd. The tuition fee for this year includes the ASTA trip.
We will place students in the group that will give them the best opportunity for growth based off of their placement audition. All of our programs are tailored to the individual goals and needs of each student. Students will work directly with our staff and receive an individual plan for their success. There is a place for every student that will be fun and challenging for them.
Tuition is $800 for the year. Payments can be made monthly at $80. Students who pay for the year before September 1st. Will have a discounted rate of $650. The total cost for Students in the top orchestra is $1300 Students will receive a $50 credit for referring another student. Private lessons are priced separately, so please visit the private lessons page for more information if you are interested in enrolling in lessons as well.
Financial Assistance: The Academy will always be open to deserving students regardless of their financial situation. No one will ever be turned away due to finances. Contact regarding work-study and scholarship programs.
We are now accepting registrations for the 2024-2025 Season.
There is a $50 registration fee to hold your spot in the program, which may be paid via Zelle, Venmo, or check made out to Brevard String Academy. Please visit the Payments page for more information.
Auditions are required for students so that we can best place them in a program. They will be submitted via YouTube. Please contact us for more information if needed.
Foundations: Students will play a solo, preferably from a Suzuki method book, and perform a scale of their choice
Students auditioning for Stringendo will play a solo from Suzuki books 3-5, or an etude that demonstrates their current ability, as well as a 2-octave scale of their choice.
Premier: Students will audition on the 2nd mvmt of Shostakovich Chamber Symphony. Only returning members are eligible to audition for 1st violin.